Il progetto transnazionale Creative@Hubs - Interreg V-A Grecia-Italia 2014-2020 lancia un contest di innovazione aperto a creatori, artisti, organizzazioni e aziende nel campo delle industrie culturali e creative (ICC).

Posted on November 23,2022 Posted in Cross-Border Open Innovation Contest

PROROGATO SINO A 20 DICEMBRE 2022 ORE 23:59 Il Progetto Creative@Hubs, Azione Strategica del Programma di Cooperazione Territoriale Europea "Interreg V-A Grecia-Italia 2014-2020" lancia un concorso transfrontaliero di Open Innovation nelle seguenti aree tematiche: Agroalimentare Artigianato / Ar...

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The Transnational Project Creative@Hubs - Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020 conducts an Open Innovation Contest for creators, artists, organizations and companies in the field of Cultural & Creative Industries (CCIs)

Posted on November 22,2022 Posted in Cross-Border Open Innovation Contest

NEW FINAL DEADLINE: 20 DECEMBER 2022 – HOURS 23:59 As part of the Creative@Hubs project of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme "Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020", a Cross-Border Open Innovation Contest is being held in the following thematic areas: Agri-food sector...

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Το Διακρατικό Έργο Creative@Hubs Interreg V-A Ελλάδα-Ιταλία 2014-2020 διενεργεί διασυνοριακό διαγωνισμό ανοικτής καινοτομίας για δημιουργούς, καλλιτέχνες, οργανισμούς και εταιρείες του χώρου της δημιουργικής βιομηχανίας

Posted on November 22,2022 Posted in Cross-Border Open Innovation Contest

ΝΕΑ ΚΑΤΑΛΗΚΤΙΚΗ ΗΜΕΡΟΜΗΝΙΑ: 20 ΔΕΚΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ 2022 & ΩΡΑ 23:59 Στο πλαίσιο του έργου Creative@Hubs του Προγράμματος Ευρωπαϊκής Εδαφικής Συνεργασίας «Interreg Ελλάδα-Ιταλία 2014-2020» διενεργείται διασυνοριακός διαγωνισμός ανοικτής καινοτομίας στις εξής θεματικές ενότητες: Αγροδιατροφικός τομέας

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Interreg Creativehubs in Aetoloakarnania Greece: 4 workshops focused on the art

Posted on November 14,2022 Posted in Workshops-Seminars

The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania organized in Greece the final 4 training workshops within Creative@hubs project. In August 2022 in Mesolonghi with topic: “POP ART” the keynote speaker, Andrea Valleri, was referred to his work which has a strong influence from classicism and draw themes from ancient myths, li...

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InterregGreeceItaly Logo

La piattaforma Web Creative@Hubs fa parte del progetto Creative@Hubs il cui obiettivo principale è stabilire una maggiore sinergia tra le industrie creative e le autorità pubbliche al fine di contribuire alla capacità delle regioni di creare nuova conoscenza e generare innovazione. Il progetto Creative@Hubs fa parte del programma Interreg Grecia-Italia. Per maggiori informazioni visita Interreg Greece-Italy

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