Interreg Creative@hubs: The 4th Workshop-Seminar in Aetoloakarnania for creative businesses
Posted on January 31,2022 Posted in Workshops-Seminars
The Chamber of Aetoloakarnania, was organized the 4th Workshop – “Culture Festivals, models of good practice development of the cultural industry and regional economies” within Creative@Hubs project on Saturday, 2nd of October 2021 at 11:00 a.m., in collaboration with Agrinio International Choral Festival & the Spiritual Cultural Association “Agia Skepi”
The workshop was held in the Conference Room of the Chamber of Aetoloakarnania (Papastratou 53 & Smyrnis 1) in Agrinio.
The main theme was focused on the positive impact of networking different groups in the cultural industry, the transfer of knowledge & experience, the development of new techniques, the adoption of new paths and especially the creation of new emerging units or cultural industry groups through participation, either as a member of the ensemble that participates in the implementation of a Culture Festival and in particular a Choral Festival and acts as a transmitter, either as a listener and receiver of this unique cultural experience.
2 lectures were invited: Mr. Alexis Kostalas (Artistic narrator & presenter of cultural events, columnist) and Mrs. Chrysa Tasolambrou (Artistic Director and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Agrinio Choral Festival).
The Workshop-Seminar was also broadcasted with live streaming via the Chamber's page on Facebook
Posted on January 31,2022 Ετικέτες #Interreg_V_A_Greece_Italy #Interregreeceitaly #Interregproject

Η ηλεκτρονική πλατφόρμα είναι μέρος του προγράμματος Creative@Hubs του οποίου στόχος είναι η καθιέρωση της αυξημένης συνέργειας μεταξύ Δημιουργικών Βιομηχανιών και Δημοσίων Αρχών, προκειμένου να συμβάλλουν στην ικανότητα των Περιφερειών να δημιουργούν νέες τεχνογνωσίες και να παράγουν καινοτομία. Το Creative @ Hubs αποτελεί μερος του προγράμματος Interreg Greece-Italy. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα του Interreg Greece-Italy