INFO DAY Creative@Hubs: Puglia's Hubs for collaboration between creative and agrifood industries
Posted on June 22,2023 Posted in Info Days
On Wednesday, June 28, 2023, starting at 10:00 AM in the Auditorium of Palazzo dell’Agricoltura, located at Lungomare Nazario Sauro, Bari, the INFO DAY dedicated to "Puglia's Hubs for collaboration between creative and agrifood industries” organized as part of the Strategic Action Creative@Hubs financed by the Interreg Greece-Italy 2014-2020 Cross-Border Cooperation Program.
The Strategic Action is coordinated in Puglia by the Regional Government of Puglia through the Department of Agriculture, Rural and Environmental Development, in partnership with the Region of Western Greece (lead partner), the Region of Epirus, and the Region of the Ionian Islands.
During the event, valuable information will be provided about the activities carried out by the participating collaborating entities, including CIHEAM Bari, the University of Foggia, the University of Salento, and the Chamber of Commerce of Bari.
An excellent opportunity to explore the potential collaboration between the creative industries and the agri-food sector in the Puglia Region. Don't miss out on this chance to connect with experts, professionals, and stakeholders in these industries, register here:
Posted on June 22,2023 Ετικέτες #Interreg_V_A_Greece_Italy #Interregreeceitaly #Interregproject #EUprojects #Creative_Hubs

Η ηλεκτρονική πλατφόρμα είναι μέρος του προγράμματος Creative@Hubs του οποίου στόχος είναι η καθιέρωση της αυξημένης συνέργειας μεταξύ Δημιουργικών Βιομηχανιών και Δημοσίων Αρχών, προκειμένου να συμβάλλουν στην ικανότητα των Περιφερειών να δημιουργούν νέες τεχνογνωσίες και να παράγουν καινοτομία. Το Creative @ Hubs αποτελεί μερος του προγράμματος Interreg Greece-Italy. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφθείτε την ιστοσελίδα του Interreg Greece-Italy