Creative@Hubs: on line the 1st Newsletter (EN-GR-IT)
Posted on January 31,2022 Posted in Newsletters
An informative newsletter, about the content and objectives of the project: Creative@Hubs “Holistic networking of creative industries via hubs” welcomes you by presenting the background, the history and the main objectives of the project, as well as, the target groups and creative industries that will benefit from Creative@Hubs.
The 4 Project Partners, Region of Western Greece, Region of Epirus, Region of Ionian Islands and Puglia Region, present the 8 buildings that will be renovated into Creative Hubs.
The newsletter is available in 3 languages: english, greek and italian version.
Enjoy reading!
English version:
Greek version:
Italian version:
Posted on January 31,2022 Tags #Interreg_V_A_Greece_Italy #Interregreeceitaly #GreeceItaly #Interregproject #EUprojects

La piattaforma Web Creative@Hubs fa parte del progetto Creative@Hubs il cui obiettivo principale è stabilire una maggiore sinergia tra le industrie creative e le autorità pubbliche al fine di contribuire alla capacità delle regioni di creare nuova conoscenza e generare innovazione. Il progetto Creative@Hubs fa parte del programma Interreg Grecia-Italia. Per maggiori informazioni visita Interreg Greece-Italy