Interreg Creative@hubs: Exhibition of “The cultural industry in Aetolian Land”
Posted on January 31,2022 Posted in Exhibitions
In Messolonghi, at Creative@Hubs site, the Chamber of Aetoloakarnania organised an Exhibition with title “The cultural industry in Aetolian Land”
The Exhibition is hosted at the “Creative@Hubs” site, on the 2nd floor of the Chrysogelos building, in Messolonghi (F. Katasou & M. Makri)
The aim of the Exhibition is to highlight and promote the cultural wealth of the region, which is a driving force for the development of the cultural industry of Aetoloakarnania.
Artworks by local artists that highlight the local tradition, are waiting for you to discover the power of art expressed through photography, writing, crafts, painting, etc.
The Exhibition will remain open throughout the month of October 2021!
Opening hours: Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m.-14:00 p.m.
Collaborators of the Creative@Hubs project, are waiting for to host and to guide you into the cultural industry of the Aetolian Land!
Watch the video on our You Tube channel!
Posted on January 31,2022 Tags #Interreg_V_A_Greece_Italy #Interregreeceitaly #Interregproject #Creative_Hubs

La piattaforma Web Creative@Hubs fa parte del progetto Creative@Hubs il cui obiettivo principale è stabilire una maggiore sinergia tra le industrie creative e le autorità pubbliche al fine di contribuire alla capacità delle regioni di creare nuova conoscenza e generare innovazione. Il progetto Creative@Hubs fa parte del programma Interreg Grecia-Italia. Per maggiori informazioni visita Interreg Greece-Italy