The award ceremony of the innovative ideas of the creative sector from the European project Interreg Creative@Hubs
Posted on February 09,2023 Posted in Cross-Border Open Innovation Contest
The awards ceremony of the cross-border open innovation contest of the Interreg Creative@Hubs project, took place on Friday, 3 February 2023 at the Regional Council of the Region of Western Greece.
The event was moderated, on behalf of the Regional Development Fund of the Region of Western Greece, Mr. Andreas Tsiliras, cultural manager, while Mr. Takis Lybereas, project manager, referred to the general objectives of Creative@Hubs which will be completed within the year 2023.
Mr. Triantafyllos Tatoulis, representative of the 3 Chambers of Commerce (Aetoloakarnania, Achaia and Helia) referred in particular to the implementation process of the cross-border open innovation competition through the open innovation platform of the RDF/RWG ( He also presented the prizes, which briefly include the organisation and implementation of a Mentoring Programme of at least 20 hours, the development of publicity material (corporate identity, logo, corporate video) and the participation of the winners in an exhibition or event of the creative sector in one of the regions participating in the project.
The awards presented by sector are as follows:
- Agri-food sector
- First prize: Pantelis Mylonas
- Second prize: Spyros Lazaropoulos
- Third prize: Natalie La Torre
- Crafts / Visual - artistic creations / Performing arts
- First prize: Giuseppe Rinelli
- Cultural Tourism / Cultural Heritage
- First prize: Paraskevas Laliotis
- Second prize: Riverview Project SCE
- Third prize: TRACES SCE
The results are also posted on the project web-site:
After congratulating all participants in the contest, the Vice-Regional Head of Entrepreneurship, Research and Innovation Mr. Fokion Zaimis stressed the need to highlight similar business ideas of the creative sector in the RWG among others. The Vice-Regional Governor held the award ceremony for the thematic section of Cultural Tourism / Cultural Heritage. The Director of the Regional Development Fund of the Region of Western Greece Mr. Christos Tzomakas, awarded the prizes of the thematic unit of the Agri-Food Sector, while two more prizes, including the first prize of the thematic unit Crafts / Visual - artistic creations / Performing Arts, will be sent to Italy.
Each of the award winners had the opportunity to present their innovative business idea to the participants, while the event was also broadcasted online with interpretation from/to English.
The Creative@Hubs – Interreg V-A Greece-Italy project involves four partners: Region of Western Greece – Regional Development Fund (leader), Region of Epirus, Region of Ionian Islands and Region of Apulia. In the context of a programmatic agreement with the Region of Western Greece, the following partners also participate: CTI "DIOFANTOS", the three Chambers of Commerce of the Region of Western Greece (Aetoloakarnania, Achaia, Helia) and the Institute of Regional Development - Panteion University.
For more information, visit the project website:
Posted on February 09,2023 Tags #Interreg_V_A_Greece_Italy #Interregreeceitaly #Interregproject #EUprojects #Creative_Hubs

La piattaforma Web Creative@Hubs fa parte del progetto Creative@Hubs il cui obiettivo principale è stabilire una maggiore sinergia tra le industrie creative e le autorità pubbliche al fine di contribuire alla capacità delle regioni di creare nuova conoscenza e generare innovazione. Il progetto Creative@Hubs fa parte del programma Interreg Grecia-Italia. Per maggiori informazioni visita Interreg Greece-Italy