Interreg Creative@hubs: 10 workshops focused on the Local & Regional Development, the funding sources for CCIs and the Agri-Food & Tourism sector, in Helia - Greece
Posted on February 14,2023 Posted in Workshops-Seminars
The Chamber of Helia organized the first 10 training workshops (1st-10th) in Helia, in the context of the Creative@Hubs project.
On 5th December, 2022 was held the 1st workshop-seminar in Pyrgos with topic: “Creative@Hubs - Local – Regional Development and Creative Industries” the keynote speaker, George Rompolas, was referred to the main goal which is the creation of a mechanism of enhanced synergy between businesses and institutions of Western Greece in order to further strengthen the capacity of the regions for the creation of new knowledge and innovation. The same date, Mr. Spyros Vasileiadis, representative of Living Prospects Ltd. presented the Cross-Border Open Innovation Contest mentioning the whole tender process and the awards, where clarifications and answers were given to the questions raised. 25 people were participated in these 2 workshops.
On 13th and 14th January, 2023 in Pyrgos 3 more workshops-seminars were held dedicated to Sources of funding for creative and cultural SME’s, associations, organizations & bodies. Mr. Andreas Tsiliras and Mr. George Sarlis, cultural consultants, were the 2 keynote speakers to the most of 70 attendees. They referred to the Registry of Cultural Bodies, which is the only open funding tool of the Ministry of Culture, they developed the topic of invitations and NSRF programs, as well as what is required for the submission of proposals and about the criteria that they are evaluated. Last but not least, they spoke about European funding and proposal writing. They analyzed the difference between a European program and a European project and developed its characteristics, as well as the basic conditions and the procedure for submitting a European project funding proposal.
On 20th and 21st January, 2023 five (5) more workshops-seminars took place in Pyrgos, addressed to more than 95 people, with the following topics: “Infrastructure trends and process in packaging”, “Branding now – Exports”, “Gastronomy Tourism – Concept & Trends”, “Sustainable development & Production premises open to visitors” and “B2B - Mentoring & entrepreneurship consulting in the Agri-Food & Tourism sector”. The 4 keynote speakers, were: George Triantafyllou, Avgerinos Chatzichrysos, Dimosthenis Brousalis and Grigoris Kokkoris. After the end of the four seminars, the last individual entrepreneurship consulting seminar entitled: "B2B - Mentoring & entrepreneurship consulting in the Agri-Food & Tourism sector" was implemented, which aimed to provide answers, on an individual level, face to face with the representatives of businesses, in their reflections on how to implement the theoretical knowledge they received in the past two days, but mainly how to develop their business in a targeted manner.
The organization of workshops by the Chamber of Helia is a concrete reply to the needs of the local creative and cultural industries, emerged after a survey conducted in 2020 by the Institute of Regional Development – Panteion University. The local creative industries can contribute to the local economic development however, there is a need to strengthen entrepreneurship and extroversion of the local creative and cultural industries in the city of Pyrgos, among others, in order to increase the degree of viability of the existing companies and the possibility of attracting new ones. So, they need to be trained about these topics in order to become more competitive.
Posted on February 14,2023 Tags #Interreg_V_A_Greece_Italy #Interregreeceitaly #Interregproject #EUprojects #Creative_Hubs

The Creative Hubs Web Platform is part of the Creative@Hubs project whose main objective is to establish an increased synergy between creative industries and Public authorities in order to contribute the capability of regions to create new knowledge and to generate innovation. The Creative@Hubs project is part of the Interreg Greece-Italy program. For more information visit Interreg Greece-Italy