Networking meetings among Hubs' Managers, were started!
Posted on July 25,2022 Posted in Networking Meetings
On July 11-13, 2022, the first networking meeting of the Region of Western Greece Hub Managers and representatives of the project team of the Chambers of Aetoloakarnania, Achaia and Ilia took place, in Ioannina. The Region of Epirus coordinated a series of meetings during the 3-day visit, with representatives of the beneficiari...
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The Creative Hubs Web Platform is part of the Creative@Hubs project whose main objective is to establish an increased synergy between creative industries and Public authorities in order to contribute the capability of regions to create new knowledge and to generate innovation. The Creative@Hubs project is part of the Interreg Greece-Italy program. For more information visit Interreg Greece-Italy