Posted on March 09,2022 Posted in Info Days
The 1st Infoday of the project "CREATIVE@HUBS Holistic networking of creative industries via Hubs" will be held on 24 March 2022 via ZOOM.
It will provide information on the next activities and the protagonists of this strategic action of the Interreg Greece-Italy Programme, implemented by the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment of the Apulia Region in partnership with the Region of Western Greece (lead partner), the Region of Epirus and the Region of the Ionian Islands.
As part of an overall project to set up 8 creative hubs in Greece and Apulia, CREATIVE@HUBS is the most important strategic action implemented by the two countries in the field of creative enterprises. In Apulia, the project aims at the innovation of companies in the agricultural and agri-food sector and, among the numerous activities planned, it will give a new life to two pavilions of the Bari and Foggia fairs which, set up and technologically equipped, will be places of collaboration between key sectors of the Apulian economy: agri-food companies and cultural and creative industries.
The Infoday will be held on the Zoom platform from 10:00 am.CET (11:00 am. Athens time zone). Among the speakers: Donato Pentassuglia, Regional Councillor for Agriculture, Agro-food Industry, Agro-food Resources; Gianluca Nardone, Director of the Department of Agriculture, Rural and Environmental Development; Gianfranco Gadaleta, JS Coordinator INTERREG V-A GREECE-ITALY 2014-2020; Tina Ranieri, Project Officer INTERREG V-A GREECE-ITALY 2014-2020; Takis Lybereas, Project Manager of the Creative@Hubs partnership; Francesco Degiorgio, Department of Agriculture, Rural and Environmental Development.
The event will present the status of work in progress at the Fiera di Bari and the Fiera di Foggia and the synergies that the project has established with important local bodies, including the University of Bari, the University of Salento, the University of Foggia and CIHEAM Bari. This will be followed by a round table discussion and exchange of ideas.
Event registration link: https://it.surveymonkey.com/r/VL5DZGX
Posted on March 09,2022 Tags #Interreg_V_A_Greece_Italy #Interregreeceitaly #Interregproject

La piattaforma Web Creative@Hubs fa parte del progetto Creative@Hubs il cui obiettivo principale è stabilire una maggiore sinergia tra le industrie creative e le autorità pubbliche al fine di contribuire alla capacità delle regioni di creare nuova conoscenza e generare innovazione. Il progetto Creative@Hubs fa parte del programma Interreg Grecia-Italia. Per maggiori informazioni visita Interreg Greece-Italy