Creative@Hubs at the Mediterranean Innovation Agrifood Week, in Bari!

Posted on December 07,2022 Posted in Events

Debates, B2B, training seminars for young innovation hub managers, international conferences; experts, representatives of international organisations; 50 start-ups and companies from 10 Mediterranean countries: these are some of the highlights of the second edition of the Mediterranean Innovation Agrifood Week scheduled from 12...

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Il progetto transnazionale Creative@Hubs - Interreg V-A Grecia-Italia 2014-2020 lancia un contest di innovazione aperto a creatori, artisti, organizzazioni e aziende nel campo delle industrie culturali e creative (ICC).

Posted on November 23,2022 Posted in Cross-Border Open Innovation Contest

PROROGATO SINO A 20 DICEMBRE 2022 ORE 23:59 Il Progetto Creative@Hubs, Azione Strategica del Programma di Cooperazione Territoriale Europea "Interreg V-A Grecia-Italia 2014-2020" lancia un concorso transfrontaliero di Open Innovation nelle seguenti aree tematiche: Agroalimentare Artigianato / Ar...

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Το Διακρατικό Έργο Creative@Hubs Interreg V-A Ελλάδα-Ιταλία 2014-2020 διενεργεί διασυνοριακό διαγωνισμό ανοικτής καινοτομίας για δημιουργούς, καλλιτέχνες, οργανισμούς και εταιρείες του χώρου της δημιουργικής βιομηχανίας

Posted on November 22,2022 Posted in Cross-Border Open Innovation Contest

Στο πλαίσιο του έργου Creative@Hubs του Προγράμματος Ευρωπαϊκής Εδαφικής Συνεργασίας «Interreg Ελλάδα-Ιταλία 2014-2020» διενεργείται διασυνοριακός διαγωνισμός ανοικτής καινοτομίας στις εξής θεματικές ενότητες: Αγροδιατροφικός τομέας Χειροτεχνία / Εικαστικές - καλλιτεχνικές δημιουργίες / Παραστατικές τέχνε...

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The Transnational Project Creative@Hubs - Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020 conducts an Open Innovation Contest for creators, artists, organizations and companies in the field of Cultural & Creative Industries (CCIs)

Posted on November 22,2022 Posted in Cross-Border Open Innovation Contest

As part of the Creative@Hubs project of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme "Interreg V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020", a Cross-Border Open Innovation Contest is being held in the following thematic areas: Agri-food sector Crafts / Visual-Artistic creations / Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music, et...

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InterregGreeceItaly Logo

The Creative Hubs Web Platform is part of the Creative@Hubs project whose main objective is to establish an increased synergy between creative industries and Public authorities in order to contribute the capability of regions to create new knowledge and to generate innovation. The Creative@Hubs project is part of the Interreg Greece-Italy program. For more information visit Interreg Greece-Italy

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